Kinetic Spectra Data Capture
Provides simplified programming of CPM protocols and data analysis of movement time, range of motion , load and speed
Individual USB provides resident specific data storage for maximum privacy and confidentiality
Graphic evaluation accessible to resident and caregiver
OptiFlex-K1 CPM
Weighs just 24 lbs.
Push buttons include speed, pause, extension and flexion
Includes safe resident lockout features
Kinetic Prima ™ XL Bariatric Knee CPM
Features ROM of -5 to 115 degrees as well as handy tactile adjustment marks for resident with poor eyesight
37" length simplifies use in a bed or small spaces
500 lb. weight capacity
Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Device
Over the course of 5 years, purchasing your CPMs could save you:
${{SavingsTotal5years | number:0}}*{{breakEven}} {{breakEvenTxt}}
Community Information

Purchase Information

Rental Information

*Based on the Community Information, Purchase Information, and Rental Information you provided above. Adjusting the values you input will adjust your potential savings. Your community’s savings may vary if you incur additional costs associated with owning CPMs.
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