Certain medical conditions can make dining difficult for seniors, which may require caregiver intervention to assist during mealtimes. Equip your residents with the right dinnerware, utensils and more to help them maintain, or even regain, some of their independence. By allowing your residents to dine on their own, you may also minimize contact and reduce the potential spread of infectious disease in your senior care community.
The following pieces, from specially designed glassware to weighted utensils, have the ability to transform dining experiences for residents with unique needs and, in turn, keep your community safer.

Limited Grasp
Hand function is essential to a resident’s independence. Help seniors with limited grasp by offering utensil holders and modified utensils with larger handles. These will give your residents greater control for easier dining.
Hand tremors can make independent dining extremely difficult – even to the point of losing one’s appetite. Counteract tremors with specialized utensils featuring weighted handles to help residents regain coordination for more enjoyable, effortless mealtimes.

Hemiplegia & Paralysis
Residents with use of only one hand can find eating on their own to be a frustrating endeavor. But with rocker knives and angled utensils, these residents will be able to use their stronger arms to eat without assistance.
Eating aids that provide a “backstop” for food can help residents get food onto utensils, rather than pushing it off the plate. Consider scoop dishes, food guards and compartment plates to address this challenge. These products are very useful for residents with reduced coordination as well.
For residents with dysphagia, drinking small sips is necessary to reduce the risk of choking and aspiration. Help control liquid intake with the right drinkware. These specialized cups not only control sip size, but also can help residents maintain the proper head and neck posture to make drinking easier.

Discover a vast selection of eating aids that can help your residents dine independently – shop today!